Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Liza learning to twirl

My favorite part of the video? Hearing my mom laugh.


KA said...

Right, but let's see if your mom can give a twirl like that.

Jen said...

You don't know. My mom could maybe nail it. Weren't you there when she did the double dutch with us? Sometimes she can be clutch.

Brad said...

reminds me of some of my earlier days!

KA said...

I'm shocked you're willing to admit that in a public forum.

Angela said...

Hey Jen! I've been enjoying Melissa's blog ever since you gave me the address -- you forgot to mention you had one too! Love the video! Random topic: Tell Brad to tell Rick that Amazon Grocery has unfrosted bluberry pop-tarts -- sold by the case and delivered, free, to your door. I love the internet! Thanks for having us over the other night -- it was fun to catch up and see the kids!

frizzlefry said...

The thought of Brad trying to twirl like that is infinitely more amusing than the thought of your mother doing the same.

Jen said...

Yes, Brad twirling would be quite a sight! But, it is hard to compete with my mom's laugh...
Angela-loved seeing you guys too! I will pass on the info to Rick & Michelle!

Arlene said...

The idea of either of them twirling makes me think of the emergency room.