So, here it is-the short hair. I seriously feel about ten pounds lighter! I thought I would throw in a couple of other pics for fun. (Clearly Liza wasn't feeling the love when we decided to take the family pic at Bridgette's baptism. What can you do...) Enjoy!
the dude in the blue shirt/red tie is the man!!!
Triple love the hair. The dude in the blue shirt, I could take or leave. But the hair? Love.
It's about time! I've been checking this blog every day since December!
Agree with Kris- LOVE the hair. I'm not touching the dude in the blue shirt comment.
Well, I for one really dig the guy in the blue shirt....
Well right. It would be very alarming if you didn't.
the gal in the blue shirt gets my vote!
Love your short hair! I sent your Christmas card to the old address and it was returned. Will you e-mail me your new address? threekids.slc@comcast.net
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