Tuesday, January 29, 2008

I hate science projects

So, it's science project time. And excuse the digression but who knew there was such a fad among girls now to do all of their science experiments on the effectiveness of various lotions, creams, etc.? It has surely become the photosynthesis experiment of its time....

Anyhoo, here it is, the night before it's due, and I am just now proof reading Mady's content for her project. And yes, I am saying the same thing to myself that I did back when it was actually my science project that I was working on. WHY DID I WAIT TILL THE LAST MINUTE?

Mind you, the actual experiment was done last week. The packet was even done last week. However, the putting it together didn't make it past the fact that I have SIX KIDS all talking to me at the same time with comments like, "Mommy, I poopy." and "do I have to do my chores today?" to "Why can't I have a cell phone?" and back to "Mommy, D's poopy."

The fact that I actually completed all of my secondary education and yet am doing it all over again times each of the six children has me feeling a little cross-eyed right now.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

The short hair

So, here it is-the short hair. I seriously feel about ten pounds lighter! I thought I would throw in a couple of other pics for fun. (Clearly Liza wasn't feeling the love when we decided to take the family pic at Bridgette's baptism. What can you do...) Enjoy!